William Morris (1834-96) was a
poet, craftsman, environmentalist, and maker of fine books. His influence is
still strong today. There can
hardly be a middle class home in Britain that doesn’t have a Morris pattern, on
curtains, wallpaper, chairs, carpets, even dresses and shirts. He wrote of
several “earthly paradises”, including an epic poem of that name, influenced by
Norse sagas and medieval legends. But I want to focus on “News from Nowhere”, a
“utopian romance” published at the end of the 1880s, when Morris was a
committed revolutionary socialist. A thinly disguised Morris goes to sleep in
his Hammersmith home and wakes up in the same place in 2102. The influences of
Plato, Thomas More and Karl Marx are very strong, but there are also shades of
lighter works such as Three Men in a Boat, Wind in the Willows and even Mills
and Boon, with some surprising descriptions of places that will be very
familiar to Barnes people. News from Nowhere has been called the only English
utopia since Thomas More that qualifies as literature. I will discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of the ideas expressed in it, and assess their
relevance today.
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